Central Illinois Cash Cube | CentralIllinoisInflatables.com Springfield IL

Cash Cube

Cash Cube

    • Setup Area: 10 x 10
    • Outlets: 2
    • Price: $250
    • Attendants Required But Not Provided: 1

    • To reserve, Call (217) 498-8774 or Email games@mchsi.com. Be sure to include your address & phone # in your email or voicemail.


Having a giveaway?  Doing a post prom?  Anytime you'd like to add some fun to your event and give away prizes, this cash cube will let you do just that.  Load the interior with your prize slips or cash, load the participant, velcro shut and turn on the blower to circulate the paper.  Have the person grab as many floating paper strips as they can in the time frame you want to allow.  (no scooping off the floor!)  

 Please see the blue section at the bottom of the page for delivery areas.


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Powered by Event Rental Systems