Hi Striker Carnival Game | CentralIllinoisInflatables.com Springfield IL

Clown Hi Striker game

Clown Hi Striker game

    • Price: $75
    • Attendants Required But Not Provided: 1

    • To reserve, Call (217) 498-8774 or Email games@mchsi.com. Be sure to include your address & phone # in your email or voicemail.

Ring Ding The Clown

What kid can resist picking up the mallot and banging away on a hi-striker?

You can't go wrong with this incredible kids carnival game. The kids will play it time after time to hear the bell ring.  Great for any event.  Portable, easy to use, and fun to play.

We set the tension on the strike bar so kids as young as 4 and 5 can ring the bell by themselves.  But if they can't, it is perfectly ok for mom, dad, big brother or big sister to help them.

Delivery fees apply if not renting with an inflatable.

You can set this up as just a fun thing to do at your event, or offer prizes to every kid just for playing.  You are free to purchase any prizes you'd choose from outside sources or ask us if we can help you put together some choices for an additional fee.

Hi Striker Carnival Game

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