Jumbo Jenga Game | CentralIllinoisInflatables.com Springfield IL

Jumbo Jenga

Jumbo Jenga

    • Price: $50
    • Attendants Required But Not Provided: 1

    • To reserve, Call (217) 498-8774 or Email games@mchsi.com. Be sure to include your address & phone # in your email or voicemail.

Jumbo Jenga

It's the Jenga game everyone loves, but in a giant version! The Jumbo Jenga game features 51 hardwood blocks that are bigger than classic Jenga blocks, and can be stacked to 3 feet and higher! Enjoy the excitement and anticipation as each player carefully pulls out blocks and tries to build the stack higher until it comes tumbling down. Be the last player to stack a block without causing the tower to tumble. Players can also prepare for future Jumbo Jenga battles by practicing solo. 

Jumbo Jenga

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