Central Illinois Twister 3D Game rental | CentralIllinoisInflatables.com Springfield IL

Twister 3D Game

Twister 3D Game

    • Outlets: 1 blower, need 1 separate 20 amp circuit
    • Price: $225
    • Attendants Required But Not Provided: 1

    • To reserve, Call (217) 498-8774 or Email games@mchsi.com. Be sure to include your address & phone # in your email or voicemail.

 Everybody's Doing the Twist!

A new twist to an old classic!  Roll the dice and it will still tell you (Dice 1-hand, foot, right or left) and (Dice 2-color) but each dice also has a wild option.  If one of the face up options is a wild, then you may do your choice for that particular dice.
Number of players can be up to about 4 or 5 depending on the size of the participants.

Please see the blue section at the bottom of the page for delivery areas.


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